The Way of Righteousness is a radio program that presents the history of the Bible in chronological order. In this program we hear the stories of the prophets which are written in the Bible, we learn why Jesus Christ came into the world, and we understand how God brought salvation to all peoples through him.

How can a person become righteous before a Holy God? What is the way of righteousness?

God has spoken! (01) | What is God like? (02) | Satan and the Angels (03) | How God made the world (04) | Why God created man (05) | Adam and Eve and the garden of paradise (06) | How sin entered the world (07) | What Adam's sin produced (08) | The wonderful promise (09) | Cain and Abel: the way of sacrifice (10) | Unrepentant Cain (11) | The Prophet Enoch (12) | The Prophet Noah: God's patience and wrath (13) | Noah and the great flood (14) | Noah and the faithfulness of God (15) | The tower of Babel (16) | Review of "the Beginning" (17) | Why God called Abraham (18) | Abraham, God's friend (19) | Abraham and Ishmael (20)